Ukulele Poker Face
I’m not going to do a full write up of the Ukelear Meltdown Festival but one thing I can say for sure is that at this point in proceedings the entire audience spent at least 2 minutes considering setting up a stylophone orchestra. And Sweetafton busted one out along with a couple of ukes for her version of Poker Face.

For my version I’ve kept it in the original key of F#. Molly plays it in G so if you want to play along with that version move everything up a fret.
Daily Ukulele (2013– ) Rate This. Poker Face - Lady Gaga. 4min Short, Music Episode aired 15 June 2014 Season 1 Episode 277. Previous All Episodes. Print Lady Gaga Poker Face sheet music or save as PDF. Download Pop music notes for Piano, Vocal & Guitar.
There are two parts to the riff. Part 1:
And Part 2:
Ukulele Chords Poker Face
And here’s my stab at playing it.
Ukulele Poker Face

Poker Face Ukulele
Part of the Riffs for ukulele series